How To Design a Tiny House Shipping Container: 5 Projects

stacked shipping containers

When people think of how to design a tiny house, they usually think of the traditional tiny-house-on-wheels or a smaller version of a traditional house. But there are many ways you can build a tiny house, both conventional and unconventional. One of these options is container homes. Recently, old shipping containers have become immensely popular … Read more

Easy DIY earring ideas

earring pieces and tools in different color

There are plenty of easy DIY earrings you can create from nothing. Let alone; who doesn’t love earrings. Earrings are an excellent way to dress yourself for any occasion. It is a simple accessory that grabs the attention of everyone around you.  The good news is that you are going to love all the patterns! … Read more

DIY Bath Products To Make

Bath products in the wall

DIY bath products are one of the most valuable and relaxing DIY crafts. Who doesn’t love to take a relaxing bath after a long day at work? It is a matter of the fact that a warm bath can take away all the anxiety and stress. Can you imagine how much better it would be … Read more