How to Insulate Your Windows During the Winter

As much as we love the snow and winter in general, mother nature can surprise us in different ways during this season. Unfortunately, many of these surprises aren’t the good kind for homeowners as they usually drain a hole in their pockets. Frozen pipes, sewage backup, leaky roofs, and basement flooding are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the different types of damages your property can sustain during harsh winters. For instance, did you know that your windows are also at great damage risk during this period?

A single pane of glass can lose nearly 10 times as much heat compared to other surfaces, such as walls and floors. Consequently, your windows lose heat affect your energy efficiency, and eventually become highly susceptible to damage in different ways. However, properly insulating your windows can keep your living space warm and protect your windows from damage – killing two birds with two stones.

In this post, we’ll share how winter can damage your windows, along with simple and effective DIY window insulation tips for protection during this season.

How Winter Can Damage Your Windows

While several things could pose a threat to your windows, the following are 6 of the most common ways winter can damage your windows:

Warping and Shrinking

Freezing winter temperatures can damage the materials commonly used in making windows, such as wood, aluminum, and vinyl. Wooden windows are particularly prone to warping and bowing as wood tends to shrink under extreme temperatures and pressures.

Cracked Glass

Cold winter temperatures put a lot of pressure on window glass and often cause stress cracks to develop. These cracks usually start small but can easily spread across your window in no time, potentially causing them to shatter during opening and closing.

Ice Buildup

Depending on where you live, ice can build up around and against old or single pane glass windows, causing them to freeze shit, especially if moisture finds its way into cracks or openings in the frame. If you try harder to open or close your windows, the damage could intensify or break your window.

Falling Ice

Ice can easily build up in different areas of your property after a severe hail or snowstorm, including the roof, gutters, and sidings. As ice continues to accumulate in these sports, it gets heavy, and this is where it poses a threat to any windows in its vicinity. When the ice melts and breaks, it can break your windows.


It’s safe to say that snowball fights are one of the main highlights of the winter season. Unfortunately, there’s always that one rogue snowball that misses the target and ends up smashing a window on your property. The best way to avoid damage, in this case, is to either work on your throwing accuracy or have your snowball fights somewhere else.


Condensation can be a double-edged sword. A noticeable amount of condensation on your windows indicates that warm and humid air inside your home is unable to escape, which is a good sign in terms of energy efficiency. However, too much condensation can cause your window’s frame to expand and even encourage mold growth. Therefore, you need to keep your home properly ventilated at all times.

How to Insulate Your Windows During the Winter

Whether you’re looking to reduce your heating bill by retaining your interior’s wealth or protecting your windows from damage (or both), here are some highly effective DIY window insulation tips for winter you can try right away:

Bubble Wrap Insulation

Bubble wrap is a common packaging material made from pliable plastic with air-filled hemispheres used for packing fragile items, especially those made of glass or ceramic. So, you can imagine why this makes a viable, innovative window insulation solution. All you need is some bubble wrap which you can buy from Amazon or a local store. To install it on your windows, you need to cut it according to your window’s dimensions and secure it with some duct tape. You can also spray some water on the glass to use as an adhesive to hold the bubble wrap in place. Although this solution isn’t aesthetically appealing, it is one of the fastest and cheapest methods to insulate windows, especially in emergencies.

Plastic Window Cover Or Insulation Film

If you don’t like bubble wrap or can’t resist the urge to pop it, you can opt for a piece of plastic, or more specifically, a window insulation film. You can find it in most home improvement stores or online. This heavy-duty plastic wrap creates an insulating barrier between your living space and your windows. All you need to install is some duct tape and heat from a hairdryer to shrink it and remove wrinkles. Depending on your location, this simple solution can make a noticeable difference on your heating bill, although it won’t offer much protection to your windows from the outside.

Removable Magnetic Window Insulation

Removable magnetic window insulation is one of the most trending solutions in the market right now as it allows homeowners to open their windows, unlike insulation film or bubble wrap. Instead of tape, it uses magnets to hold the insulation in place so you can easily take it off when not required. To install it, you’ll need to apply some magnetic paint on the window trim, measure and cut the vinyl according to your window’s dimensions, and attach magnetic tape to form a border. You can also apply this DIY solution from the outside and protect your windows from snowballs, falling ice, and hail.

Thermal Curtains

Thermal curtains are excellent for homeowners in places that are cold year-round. These curtains cover windows completely and reduce the amount of air infiltration and heat transfer. As a result, they can effectively insulate your living space during the winter and keep heat inside. The best options in the market can reduce heat loss by as much as 25%, which can make a significant difference to your heating bill.

Rope Caulk or Insulation Tape

Another DIY window insulation trick is to use rope caulk and jam it into large gaps and spaces inside the window cases along with edges. If you live on the ground floor, you can also do the outside of your windows for double the insulation. If you don’t plan on opening or closing your windows until the winter season ends, you can apply insulating tape around your windows to stop window drafts in the winter and help make your home feel more comfortable. This solution is also great for covering cracks and holes.


And there you have it – five excellent DIY window insulation tips for winters you can easily apply at little cost and avoid spending heavily on professional home insulation services or expensive window replacements. Most of the products are easily available in local hardware or utility stores, especially if you reside in a cold region. Alternatively, you can always order online using the links mentioned above. So, feel free to try out any of these solutions and see which ones work the best for you.